Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"The Flame of Love "

You must go to the link below and order your FREE copy of The Flame of Love. In it contains the words of Our Lord and Our Mother spoken to a Hungarian woman, Elizabeth Kindelmann.

What does Our Lord say about this? "The Lord states:  “The Grace from the Flame of Love of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah’s Ark was to Noah.”  "

I could not wait until I finished reading the book to tell you about this because too much time will pass. On page 19, when Elizabeth, just an ordinary woman, asked Our Lady to work a miracle, Our Lady replied, "The more miracles I work, the fewer who believe . I asked for the First five Saturdays and no one paid attention." Our Lady is referring to the requests she made at Fatima, to practice the First five Saturdays.
It was the devotion Sr Lucia stayed a while longer for to set up. " will remain a while longer to set up devotion to my Immaculate heart". Sister Lucia endured so much suffering through her long life to set this devotion up, and according to Our Lady, "no one paid attention".

Elizabeth Kindelmann is an ordinary woman just like me, and just like yourself. Like her, you will be so intimately called into this Flame of Our Mother's Love, that I'm sure, once you start to read The Flame of Love, you will quickly spread the Flame you received to others!!

Here is what the book looks like:  

Here is the link to order your FREE copy NOW!!!
PS   These heavenly communications, recognized by the Holy Catholic Church, perfectly support and specifically amplify the urgency of the message of Fatima.

At the National Congress of The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Marymovement in Budapest, Hungary, June 6, 2009, Cardinal Peter Erdo, Archbishop President of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary and President, Council of Episcopal Conferences in Europe, gave the text his Imprimatur.
As The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary movement has spread around the world, it has also received Imprimaturs from Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, and Pennsylvania.

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