Dear Friends,
night I had watched for the first time the movie called "Finding
Fatima". I had asked my husband to watch it with me, but he had absolutely
No interest. Plus he was tired and just wanted to fall asleep. He sat
with me anyway and I started the movie. If you have not seen this movie, I
would say put it on your list to see. The first few minutes grabbed my husband’s
attention, and as I looked over to him, I said well? What do you think now?
He agreed it did look interesting when he saw military action at the start of the story. If he
wasn't so tired he would have shared the whole movie with me.....
One thing
that has stuck my mind from the movie, and I'm not telling you about the movie,
but from that movie, it has stuck out in my mind these thoughts. Fatima,
is a plan not only to protect us from God's wrath (i know this sounds dramatic,
but its the truth) but it calls us to Penance while devastation is being held
accounts lead to this conclusion:
1) There
were a group of 8 German Jesuits who lived only 1/2 mile from ground zero
during the drop of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. 80,000 people were instantly
killed by that bomb, and a radius of 35 miles received damage. The priests
received no damage and their building was the only building that remained
standing. Everything around them was flattened out. The only thing they
believed protected them from annihilation was that they had a very strong
devotion to Our Lady of Fatima's messages.
“"We believe that we survived because we were living the Message of Fatima. We lived
and prayed the Rosary daily in that home." Fr Hubert
Schiffer SJ
2) In one
apparition of our Lady to the Children, an angel appeared with a fiery
sword ready to touch the earth. Our Lady's hand reached out between the sword
and the earth as if to protect the earth from harm. In doing this, the Angel cried out "Penance, Penance,
Penance". Through responding to Our Lady of Fatima's requests, we practice
that Penance. Penance is required to make amends for not only our own
sins, but also for our brothers whom Jesus commanded us to love. Action
in Fatima is a committed response to Love of God and Love of neighbor...The
Pardon Prayer:
God I believe I adore I hope and I love thee,..." Love of God
...I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust
and do not love thee." Love of neighbor.
responding to Fatima, we respond to God's greatest Commandment; love of God and
love of neighbor with the three theological virtues: Faith, Hope and
Penance, Penance = Daily Rosary + First Five Saturdays= Love of God and Love of neighbor.
flaming sword in Genesis 3:24 “After he
drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim
and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of
Fire is also
referenced in 1 Corinthians 3:13 “But on the judgment day, fire will
reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a
person's work has any value.”
The 8
German Jesuits lived through Hiroshima to witness to the importance of
Fatima. Our Lady spoke about a much greater war that would break out if people
did not do as she requested. WWII was that war. The 8 German Jesuits,were
responding to her requests when Hiroshima received the A-bomb. This is not
to say there were no other holy people in Hiroshima, but perhaps God wanted to
highlight the importance of Fatima. The 8 surviving priests certainly raises questions.
In the
United States, we are sensing a loss of our country. Where are the good works
of our country found while there exist in great magnitude, the degradation of
humanity in our society through its immoral behavior; free sex, man-man
sexuality, pornography in the arts, media and in our schools? 1/3 of our youth
have been eliminated through abortion. Our religious freedoms are in
jeopardy, The reason for the formation of our country was for religious
freedom. God was place in the foundation of our Constitution. Today, on a whole, we are
no longer putting our Trust in God but into ourselves. Can the works of America
today withstand the test of "the fire" before the Tree of Life?
Thank Heaven, America is not totally lost. Thank Heaven again, because it can be found. Restoration of America does not cost a penny. It does not require guns either.
What it costs is our action in penance, practicing the First Five Saturdays and utilizing our weapon by praying the Rosary.
Help spread this message of Fatima. Participate in this New Evangelization of the Church. We have that power to restore and find America, but truly, only through Fatima can it be accomplished. Our Lady has said this, Jacinta on her death bed has said this. Our last two Popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, have urged this message to go out and stated that Fatima is the New Evangelization in the world.
The miracle of the sun in Fatima was the greatest since the beginning of mankind, after Jesus' conception and resurrection. A Fatima specialist once said, The Miracle in Fatima was so great because the messages in Fatima are so great. The problem we face in society is a spiritual decay, and it requires a Spiritual solution. Fatima is that spiritual solution that Our Spiritual Mother, the Mother of God presents to us and to the world.
Help spread this message of Fatima. Participate in this New Evangelization of the Church. We have that power to restore and find America, but truly, only through Fatima can it be accomplished. Our Lady has said this, Jacinta on her death bed has said this. Our last two Popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, have urged this message to go out and stated that Fatima is the New Evangelization in the world.
The miracle of the sun in Fatima was the greatest since the beginning of mankind, after Jesus' conception and resurrection. A Fatima specialist once said, The Miracle in Fatima was so great because the messages in Fatima are so great. The problem we face in society is a spiritual decay, and it requires a Spiritual solution. Fatima is that spiritual solution that Our Spiritual Mother, the Mother of God presents to us and to the world.
Miracle of the sun Painting
May we remind ourselves, that if the Church chooses to go to Fatima to Consecrate the Pontificate to Her*1 , then we Americans too, should at least practice what Fatima, requests, for the salvation of our country.'s%20Written%20Account%20Plus:%20The%20Protective%20Shield%20of%20Our%20Lady%20of%20Fatima
*1 International Anniversary Pilgrimage of May 12/13, 2013
To God nothing is impossible
Pontificate of Pope Francis is to be consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima 2013-04-11 |
On May 13, at Fatima, during celebration to which all the people of God are invited